As we continue this incredible journey with {Cindy + Jesse} on their wedding day, from the epic ‘gate crash – part 1‘ to the Alkaff Mansion for their traditional tea ceremony and reception, we jump right back into hair and makeup prep (the bride changed three times from the traditional Chinese wedding dress, to her western white wedding dress, then finally to her sexy red reception dress throughout the night}. Red is an auspicious color in Chinese traditions.
The tea ceremony gave the couple time to hug and greet all of their family as each member was served and then red packets (their gift) was given. It was lovely to meet Cindy’s family and we were even delighted to receive beautiful red origami fishes as a gift from her aunt. Another quick change into her white dress and announcement to a full reception of friends and family as the several course meal began. More than anything in this reception, it was the speech that {Cindy + Jesse} shared that brought the whole reception to tears and honored in a very special way each family member as well as both Jesse’s father and Cindy’s mother, which have both passed. In a culture that strives for perfection, it was an honest, authentic and emotional speech of gratitude by each of them. Bravo you two!
Next up is the incredible creative session in and around the city of Singapore 🙂
Big hugs!
B + W