September 14, 2010

Family Portraits with the Chapins; Portrait Photographer Bend Oregon

Melissa approached me a few weeks ago and said that her daughter, Amelee, was growing big so fast and that she wanted to freeze a moment in time at this adorable stage before she blinked and it was gone.  We had the pleasure of spending some play moments with Melissa, Amelee and Lucas as we snapped away.  You gotta move quick because kids are so SQUIRMY!

…back to brides in a little bit but we pause to bring you this adorable little cutie and her family for a special surprise to Brian (well sort of surprise!).

Thanks Melissa!

B + W

Getting ready, deciding what to wear…decisions, decisions. 🙂

Wipe that tear away little one!

Lucas playing in his sand pit 🙂

Melissa and the kids….surprise Brian!

My personal fav….CUTIE!


The variety of your subjects and the beautiful situations you record for posterity is a wonderful tribute to you and your talent for capturing life in special moments. What a joyful manner of work you have chosen, Byron. I do enjoy having the opportunity to view it. Thank you.

Monica Uballez

Beautiful people and a wonderful photographer make for great pictures. I love each and every one. Mom, Lucas and Amelele sparkle with love and joy for each other.

Beautiful photos! I love the shallow depth of field and the colors! Well done!

Julianne & Dustin

Wow, Amelee is getting so big! Melissa, I LOVE the photo of you kissing her cheek, so very sweet!! You are a beautiful family!