September 13, 2010

Fear the Flash? NO! Speedlight Flash Techniques Photography Workshop


We are so stoked to be presenters in the inaugural event workshop series hosted by Studio 3, a Bend Oregon photographer’s cooperative, speaking on basic techniques for getting big light from small flashes.  We love our speedlights because they are small, powerful, creative, connected to the ‘camera’s brain’ and…travel friendly.

The course is designed for basic to intermediate flash users, potentially those solely using on-camera flash or natural light photographers wanting to explore supplemental lighting.  Basically, we want to open up the conversation, create a safe and fun place to talk flash and do some tethered examples.  Recently, I took a 2-day intensive with Joe McNally (a mentor, for SURE) and learned some great, simple tricks to get creative with lighting.  The workshop will be a combination of our current use of flash, new techniques from the McNally workshop and Q/A.

Special thanks to Kimberly, Tambi and Jeff (Studio 3) for putting this event on! They are even auctioning off a FREE ticket, learn more and submit your work to qualify!

Here are the details:

When: Thursday, September 23rd
Studio 3 | create • inspire • for hire, 558 9th Street, Suite 5, at 9th and Wilson (between Country Catering and Pakit Liquidators)
6:00-8:00 pm, Networking and Refreshments 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Cost: Only $59, and includes refreshments & networking time!

Prepare to be INSPIRED!  Register ONLINE Now 🙂