July 26, 2010

Kevin Kubota’s 20th Digital Photography Bootcamp Training (cue balloons!)

by: Wendy Roe

I sit here giggling in my seat from excitement and a littl’ bit o’ nerves as I write this post.  I’ve been invited to speak at Kevin Kubota’s 20th Bootcamp and take part in a small portion along with the big boys: Doug Gordon, Craig Strong, and Bend’s own Ben Edwards with special appearances by Dane Sanders, Bill Sorenson, and Jules & Joy Bianchi.  Whew, now you see why?!

If you haven’t heard of or participated in the Kubota Image Tools Bootcamp, Byron and HIGHLY recommend it.  Byron went through it two years ago and it sent our workflow and focus into hyperdrive, saving us buckets of time/energy into our overall workflow, business direction and success.

As many of you know, I’ve spent the last 10 years in the world of Web/Internet marketing and just recently switched full time into wedding photography with my husband.  These two passions – web marketing and wedding photography are bound to collide.  My hope is to help photographers decode the world of web, including: SEO, design trends, links, paid advertising, blending traditional and web advertising, focused and trackable social media marketing, analytics and more!

Kevin Kubota BootcampBlah, you say!  Spending time with your brain’s other half isn’t always easy as artists but my goal in this session is educate and help photographers avoid common pitfalls.  There are many super common mistakes that photographers make with their websites and between a speaking session and one-on-one website reviews with Kevin and Clare, we’re bound to set you forth in a way that will shift your thoughts about the web.

HURRY, HURRY, these always fill up fast:
Full Kubota Bootcamp Details and Registration – November 7-13th, 2010
SummitUp Pre-Workshop Sessions – Novemeber 6-7th, 2010

“Kevin’s a real inspiration as he gives 100% of his enthusiasm and wealth of knowledge to everyone attending.  His Bootcamp workshops should be mandatory on every pro photogs checklist.”

– Byron Roe, 2008 bootcamper


Thanks for the comment, Jacob. To answer your question, I did the design layout and hired a WordPress pro to handle the development. Best wishes with your new blog!

My mother and I are looking to develop a weblog similar to this for our website, I stumbled across your site looking for some ideas on the theme along with layout. I am taking some html coding course while attending college and not certain that I would be able to produce a blog like this one at this time. Did you code this website yourself or retain the services of a professional?