April 18, 2010

To Ian, From Jenni: Portland Oregon Engagement Photography


Dear Ian ā€“

While I am rarely at a loss for words, I struggle to articulate how excited I am to marry you.Ā  We have both said that we know our life together is going to be amazing and so much fun and now we get to put it into action.Ā  We make such an incredible team together, you are the perfect balance to me and I feel honored that you want me in your life forever.

When we first met, I was skeptical of meeting someone online.Ā  But something about you drew me in even before I ever heard your voice.Ā  Your eyes were kind and I could hear your sense of humor come through your typed words.Ā  And everyday since weā€™ve met, you look at me with such sincerity and care, it makes me feel as though I am the only one in the room.Ā  And while our first date was ā€œinterestingā€ to say the least, you had me laughing so hard my sides ached.Ā  Those two traits kept me coming back for moreā€¦.and more I will get!

So here is to a lifetime of raising our crazy pack of dogs, the never-ending list of home improvement projects, skiing, camping, our Sunday trips to the grocery store and planning for our next international adventure.Ā  Whatever life holds for us, I want to do all of these things with you.Ā  You are my best friend and I am so honored to have you in my lifeā€¦

Love, Jen

Okay, we’re just going to start with a smokin’ hot one first.

‘You turn me right round baby right round, like a record baby, right round round round.’

A dainty, sweet moment šŸ™‚

Jenni, I’m going to tell you one more time how much you rock those boots.

Fisheye love.

One of my all-time-f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e-s.

Ohhhh, classic shot of Ian.

That’s a keeper….

Here’s the second smokin’ hot one.Ā  Get a room you two!Ā  he he…

Pure bliss šŸ™‚Ā  Yum.

Love the vanishing lines here – this is classic urban chic.Ā  You’re rockin’ it!

Thank you, to this particular graffiti artist who made my day. šŸ™‚Ā  Oh yeah, saved the best for last Jenni.


Fantastic photography and such beautiful pics of you two, love the style! Can’t wait for this weekend….much love to you both!

Camille Lewis

I’ve never seen engagement pictures like these before. You probably have already ordered the pictures so my comment doesn’t help with getting a free one, but I am very interested to know about what your first date was all about after Ian’s comments. We are very happy for
the both of you and want to know the date.

Love Camille

Your photographer caught unique and beautiful photos. You make
such a handsome couple.

What great photos, so natural and what a handsome couple.

Those photos are very unique and you make a beautiful couple.

Great pictures.

Vicki Mello

I think those pictures are so natural and beautiful, what great subjects and wonderful
Vicki Mello

jacob schlaht

i like the pics not the same old same old. good i idea. and i remember the day i met you and you know i swear you have never changed you shirt.

Jenni and Ian- I am so happy that you found each other. The pictures are great! I love them! Looks like you are having lots of fun preparing for the big day. Looking forward to the special days ahead.
Love ya,

Andrea Hughes

Ian & Jenni – Such great pics! The photog really caputured your love and happiness. Nice jacket Ian-heeey! Much love to both of you.


What fun shots! Me I like “dangerous”, that’s my girl!

Mindy Mathers

Ian and Jenni – The newly engaged lovers!
I am so happy for you! Your pictures are hot and very stylish!
At first, I felt like I lost a friend when you were dating, and now I feel like I have gained another! You guys rock. You guys are soooo great and I hope that your life together is quite blissful šŸ™‚


Congrats on your engagement! You guys look so happy and in love in your pictures, the photographer did a great job!!

I love this photographers style…alright it does help that the subjects are beautiful.


Those remind me of my wife and me 36 years ago. So Happy!


Awwwwww. Very nice. Congratcheelayshuns you two!
Ian you seem like a very nice guy. That said, quoting Sheila (and Francis from Stripes, aka Killer), “if you break her heart, I’ll kill ya.”
Pictures are very, very cool. I’m impressed that someone was able to get you both to stand still long enough to create these images.

Great pictures you look very happy.

Wonderful photos and couple.

You guys are smokin hot!!! Fabulous! Congratulations!

My favorite photo is Jenni rockin her boots. These photos are all fantastic.

Mike Hafeman

Great Pictures! You guys look good together. I am sure you will be happy.

Karen Golson

Great Pic’s!

Congadulations, you two love birds look Great together!!!!!!!!!


The pictures were lovely and fun. The note from Jenni to Ian was especially touching and my eyes welled up. I’m so happy for the two of you and your joy and love is expressed in these photos. Cheers!

Tammee Meneghin

Sexy, Chic, Romantic. You two simply make me smile. I am so happy that you have found each other. I wish you forever happiness, forever love, forever friendship. These photos really capture your essence…Loved them , love you Many many hugs- Tam

ohhh… love these.. such awesome images and great couple vibe going on here! These will be fun ones to share with the kiddos some day… ooops did I say KIDS, I meant Dogs!! hehe… Really loving the one on the ladder and the fisheye one running. Awesome job! Great connection! Can’t wait for the wedding day and all the fun times before and after!! Welcome to the fam Ian! To two beautiful inidividuals who together make an amazing match! Congratulations!

Cathy Thoma

Wow, these are such great photos of the two of you. The setting is fantastically unique….very you! I’m looking forward to the wedding and am so happy you found each other.

Congratulations! Can’t wait to meet the Bride to be! Love the pictures!
Welcome to the family Jenni!!

Dawn Mayer

AMAZING…you two look so happy.

Darlene Godfredsen

Beautiful and priceless pictures. I love them. Congratulations to you both!

Kelly Aguilar-Taft

I love the photo shoot, but most of all I love your romance! I know Ian has waited along time for you Jenni, you are a lucky woman..Congratulations to you both..

Great pictures! Congrats! You are a great looking couple! When is the Wedding??

Elizabeth Sigmund Paschall

The flowers are blooming and LOVE is in the air — it must be Spring! Congrats to the happy couple. We wish you many years of this bliss:) Love, Your Sis

Lynn Sigmund

I really liked the pictures…it’s a new concept to me to have engagement photos. I am so happy for my son and Jen!! Can’t wait for the wedding…that is, if I am still invited by the time October gets here.

Love your photos. It’s so cool to see how versatile Byron is. So different than ours, but I just love all of them. Who knew he would have shot two online couples the same weekend! I hope your wedding will be as memorable as ours will be. All the best Jenni & Ian.

Very cool, very urban, very hipster photos you two. I am so very happy for the both you and relieved Ian found someone as sardonic as himself! šŸ˜‰ yeah, I’ve really been itching to use that word all day!