June 23, 2010

You Want Me To Go WHERE? – Web Marketing For Wedding Photographers

There was a day and time (like 2005) where the trend in website design was to have the prospective customer ‘pick’ where they go next.  A plethora of menu options would be available and the client would go straight to the menu and bop around.  Sound like your website?

Stop! This is a trend that is slowing dying (thankfully) and it’s your turn to stand up and kick your sales into action.  Like any good sales person, you guide the conversation with your prospective client in your meeting based off of what you hear your client’s needs and goals are.  The web is no different.

One of the of the biggest assets your website can have is a pro-active strategy to guide your prospective clients through your site.  You do that by creating what I call a ‘Calls To Action’ for each page.

Each page needs to have a Call To Action to guide the customer to the next click.  Hopefully, like most wedding photogs, we want the customer to be guided to the contact page and phone number!

By making it big, bold, inviting and clickable, your inquiry contacts will grow.  Don’t rely on the slideshow imagery and a menu to make the sale for you.  Jump in there and guide the customer through what you want them to see and land.

Is the ultimate goal of your website big, bold, inviting and clickable?

Here’s an example: